
Although Cadyn was not given an official diagnosis, he was born with severe muscle problems that affected his ability to walk, talk and feed himself.  He has developmental delays caused by lack of motor skills, and a weakness to sustain the strength necessary to function like other kids. 

With the assistance of Helping from Heaven and another foundation, Cadyn received a Therasuit—a suit made of several rubber bands that can be adjusted as needed to provide input to change the proprioception and normalize afferent vestibule-proprioceptive input (the brain-to-muscle communication you need to walk, talk crawl, etc).  The Therasuit is designed to do the same thing as traditional therapies that use weights, however the it allows the child to move normally without excessive restrictions.  This helps retrain all of the core muscles and allows the patient to catch up quicker and reduce overall time spent in therapy.

After trying on the suit for the first time, Cadyn stood for 30 seconds without any support for the first time in his life.

Cadyn says "Thank You" to the donors of this organization who made his new suit possible.  His family also extends this thanks for making Cadyn's independence a reality.


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